AJAX AutoSuggest on ADF Faces
The article provided in the link below is great..
But it has some serious drawbacks
1. The jsp/jspx page onto which you are adding the aj:completionField component should be at the root level.
2. It discusses on how to get the data from an ADF BC. It should have kept it simple. ie, it should have explained on getting the autoCompletion results from an pojo(backing bean).
Luckily I got some solutions for the above two glitches, hope it will be helpful to some extent.
Solution 1 :
Unjar the textfield.jar, find the file script.js. Look out for the line containing
var url = "faces/ajax-autocomplete?method=" + escape(method) + "&prefix=" + escape(target.value);
The above url assumes that ur jsp it at the root of your public_html folder. So change it to respective location of your file. Example.. if my jsp is /search/productSearch.jsp I would change the url to start with ../faces/ajax-auto-----------;
Solution 2 :
a. In the jsp searchEmpl.jsp add the tag lib definition
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/blueprints/ajaxtextfield" prefix="aj"%>
b. Add the component, enclosed in a af:panelLabelAndMessage component
productSearch points to the backingbean
autoCompleteProductIds points to the method in the backingbean
ajaxProductSearch is the String field into which I set the value on submit action
c. The method definition, in the backing bean
public void autoCompleteProductDesc(FacesContext ctx,
String searchString,
CompletionResult completionResult) {
//Get a list of items that starts with searchString. The search logic
//can be in ADF BC, EJB, Webservice anything.
//Add to the completionResult, one after another.
completionResult.addItem("Your item added one after another");
But it has some serious drawbacks
1. The jsp/jspx page onto which you are adding the aj:completionField component should be at the root level.
2. It discusses on how to get the data from an ADF BC. It should have kept it simple. ie, it should have explained on getting the autoCompletion results from an pojo(backing bean).
Luckily I got some solutions for the above two glitches, hope it will be helpful to some extent.
Solution 1 :
Unjar the textfield.jar, find the file script.js. Look out for the line containing
var url = "faces/ajax-autocomplete?method=" + escape(method) + "&prefix=" + escape(target.value);
The above url assumes that ur jsp it at the root of your public_html folder. So change it to respective location of your file. Example.. if my jsp is /search/productSearch.jsp I would change the url to start with ../faces/ajax-auto-----------;
Solution 2 :
a. In the jsp searchEmpl.jsp add the tag lib definition
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/blueprints/ajaxtextfield" prefix="aj"%>
b. Add the component, enclosed in a af:panelLabelAndMessage component
productSearch points to the backingbean
autoCompleteProductIds points to the method in the backingbean
ajaxProductSearch is the String field into which I set the value on submit action
c. The method definition, in the backing bean
public void autoCompleteProductDesc(FacesContext ctx,
String searchString,
CompletionResult completionResult) {
//Get a list of items that starts with searchString. The search logic
//can be in ADF BC, EJB, Webservice anything.
//Add to the completionResult, one after another.
completionResult.addItem("Your item added one after another");